Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Spreads from Life Magazine's FINAL ISSUE as a weekly (1972).

Found this in my parents' house in Virginia while visiting for the holidays. I've really loved those HOWARD HUGHES illustrations ever since I saw F for Fake. I finally found out they were done by one David Walsh; unfortunately, the internet has little to say about the guy.

Also, I got a PORTFOLIO site up and running. Please take a look.


  1. dang man you're portfolio site rules. You make me want to try harder. I've been telling myself i was going to make and indexhibet site forever, was it hard?

  2. Thanks, Sam. I think the fact that I new nothing of the process prior to beginning my site and had one up in a week and a half is a testament to Indexhibit's intuitive interface. I say go for it.
