Friday, August 20, 2010

I've seen a lot of these Command Records releases on the PROJECT THIRTY-THREE site that's been making its way around the blogosphere recently. I was lucky enough to have come across a few of them in my family's record collections. The "minimal is maximal" aesthetic is so perfect; Robert Brownjohn, Josef Albers, and Barbara Brown Peters are a few of the contributing artists.

Also, I've relocated to Chicago.


  1. such a badass new header dude, i love it on the side like that! and one of these days i'm going to visit you dudes in chicago. maybe when there's a comic convention in town or something?

  2. thanks, sam. you'll have to let me know when something's going on. we recently acquired a couch with a fold-out bed that has your name written all over it.

  3. i love that last one. definitely can see the josef albers in it. hope chicago's treating you well!
